Faith Formation Ministries

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20


Saint John XXIII Catholic School

The St. John XXIII School is a pre-K through 8th grade elementary and middle school under the Diocese of Phoenix Catholic Schools Office. The curriculum stresses academic achievement within a Catholic community where the child feels that he/she is loved and respected by his/her peers, as well as by the teachers.

Contact: 480.905.0939

Religious Education

The St. Bernadette Children’s Faith Formation program brings children closer to Christ. Our program is meant to help children Kindergarten through 5th grade develop an intimate and personal relationship with Jesus Christ, while fostering a love for the Sacred Scripture, the Liturgy, and experiencing the love of God. We accomplish this through evangelization and catechesis based on the four pillars of the Catechism: Creed (Scripture and Tradition), liturgy and sacraments, Catholic morality, and prayer.

Contact: Patrick Klein 480.905.0221 x208,

Vacation Bible School

As summer begins, over 100 children and volunteers gather at St. Bernadette to celebrate the Bible’s demonstration of God’s love at Vacation Bible School (VBS). Each year, we teach and learn through games, crafts, songs, and storytelling. We encourage all potty trained four year olds through incoming 5th graders to consider joining the experience!

Contact: Patrick Klein 480.905.0221 x208,

Youth Evangelization

At the beginning of each month, teens and their families are invited to participate in Family Formation meetings where the entire family is involved. The Adventus Teen group (for all teens) meets each month as a large group, and, additionally, the Knights of the Altar ministry (for teen boys) and Lisieux Sorority (for teen girls) meet individually each month.

Lisieux Sorority

The purpose of the Lisieux Sorority is to bring middle school and high school girls together to create a community that develops “sisterhood” centered around the love of Christ and his Holy Church. The sisterhood is built on the pillars of Charity, Honesty, Purity, and Simplicity. The sorority offers a unique opportunity for sophomore through senior girls to grow in faith together. Girls join the sorority through an invitation process.

Contact: Patrick Klein 480.905.0221 x208,

Little Flowers

The Little Flowers of Thérèse of Lisieux is a Christ-centered character and leadership development program for girls 5 to 18 years of age. The Little Flowers group is dedicated to the mission of building young girls of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.

Contact: Shirley Smalley 480.905.0221 x214

High School Youth Program

Sundays immediately following the 5:00pm Mass. Here high school students have many opportunities to get involved in youth ministry, from our weekly programs - to annual retreats, and to different high school adventures. We also offer opportunities for parents of the high school teens to build community with each other.

Contact: Patrick Klein 480.905.0221 x208,

Young Adults

Young adult ministry at St. Bernadette exists to gather men and women ages 18 (must be graduated from high school) through 30’s. We seek to provide a place for this unique age group, going through so many transitions and life events, to belong in a community, worship our Lord together, and accompany one another on the pilgrimage of life.

Events are two Tuesdays a month and the first Saturday of the month, ranging from hikes, games, sports, social events, and prayer/discussion nights. Please see the Young Adult page under the Formation tab for details!

Contact: Patrick Klein 480.905.0221 x208,

Bible Study

Bible Study is offered throughout the year, with both a morning and evening time option. The primary objectives of St. Bernadette Bible studies are to develop a stronger basis in the foundations of our faith; foster spiritual formation; and nurture a spiritual community to know, love, and serve God and our neighbor.

Contact: Deacon Peter Auriemma 480.905-0221 x237

Blessed is She

This ministry offers women a rare opportunity to reflect on where you are now and where you are going in your relationship with God and others. Now is the time to come away for a morning or evening, and spend time with others who are on the same journey as you. The retreats are offered at different times throughout the year.

Contact: Deacon Peter Auriemma 480.905-0221 x237

Exodus 90

The goal of Exodus 90 is spiritual freedom. We are all attached and/or addicted to sins or material things that are holding us back from being the men God created us to be. Going back to the roots of the Christian Faith through the ancient traditions of the Church of prayer, penance, and community helps us to free ourselves so that we can be the husbands, fathers, brothers, sons, and leaders that we are meant to be.

Contact: Deacon Peter Auriemma 480.905-0221 x237,

Fiat 40

Fiat 40 is designed to help you fully receive the life-changing graces being offered by God through a commitment in three areas: prayer, asceticism, sorority.

Contact: Deacon Peter Auriemma 480.905-0221 x237,

Into the Deep

Each monthly presentation provides an opportunity to take a deeper look at what we believe as Catholics and why we believe it. There’s no need to sign up, and each session will be a stand alone event meaning you don’t have to have attended a previous session to know what’s going on. These events are the perfect opportunities for inviting friends, family, neighbors, or co-workers who may be interested in Catholicism but not quite ready to make a significant commitment.

Contact: Deacon Peter Auriemma 480.905-0221 x237

Small Christian Communities

Life groups are small Christian faith community, typically no more than 15 people, that meet in homes during the week to provide an opportunity to build community and grow in the faith. Each group has a host, either an individual or couple, that provides a welcoming atmosphere and helps facilitate the group.

Contact: Deacon Peter Auriemma 480.905-0221 x237

Into the Breach

Into the Breach is a study group is open to all men of faith. We take a deep dive into Bishop Olmsted’s incredible insights on what it means to be a Catholic man in today’s world.

Contact: Deacon Peter Auriemma 480.905-0221 x237


The mission of Married4Life is to affirm and strengthen Christ-centered, Catholic marriages at St. Bernadette. This is done by sponsoring four events each year—three date nights and one retreat—to allow married couples at St. Bernadette to build relationships with others, find encouragement through sharing of marriage testimonies, and by learning practical tools to strengthen their marriages.

Contact: Deacon Al Homiski 480.905-0221 x217

Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS)

MOMS is an 8-session small group peer ministry for personal and spiritual growth using the book MOMS: A Personal Journal. This session runs from January until mid-April and has limited space available.

Contact: 480.905.0939

Mothers for Children

The Mothers for Children group is a bi-weekly gathering for mothers with children of all ages who wish to grow in their vocation of motherhood. Through speakers and group discussions, we tackle important issues we face in raising our children in the Catholic faith. Babysitting is provided.

Contact: Mitzi Palma 480.905.0221

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

The RCIA program guides people on a journey of faith—one that involves the whole community. The process is a series of carefully planned stages, marked by liturgical rites in the presence of the whole community, in which new Catholics embark on and join us in a continuing and deepening conversion into faith and discipleship. Classes are year round.

Contact: Shirley Smalley 480.905.0221

Rite of Christian Initiation for Teens

Based on the RCIA process, the RCIT program is the basic process where teens may learn about the Roman Catholic faith and, if they wish, begin their journey toward becoming a member of the Church.

Contact: Patrick Klein 480.905.0221 x208,

Rite of Christian Initiation for Children

RCIC is intended for children and youth not baptized as infants, who have attained the use of reason and are of catechetical age (ages 8 - 13). The Christian initiation of these children requires both a conversion that is personal and somewhat developed in proportion to their age.

Children above second grade who are baptized and have not celebrated their first Reconciliation or received first Holy Communion are also included in this process. After this year, they then move into their correct grade level in Children’s Faith Formation.

Contact: Patrick Klein 480.905.0221 x208,


More Information

For more information on how to get involved with outreach programs for the community, as well as parish-oriented ministries and groups please read the Parish Ministries Directory. All parishioners are encouraged to prayerfully discern where their gifts can be best utilized in our community.


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