Parish Mission

05-26-2024Letter from the PastorFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

"You ask how the bread becomes the Body of Christ, and the wine . . . the Blood of Christ I shall tell you: the Holy Spirit comes upon them and accomplishes what surpasses every word and thought . . . Let it be enough for you to understand that it is by the Holy Spirit, just as it was of the Holy Virgin and by the Holy Spirit that the Lord, through and in himself, took flesh." - St. John Damascene


Pentecost and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

05-15-2024Letter from the PastorFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Spirit. The Catholic Church, as founded by Christ, celebrates the fact that the Holy Spirit was not an isolated event two thousand years ago. The same Holy Spirit that descended upon the first disciples remains with us to this very day. The same Holy Spirit enables all of us to hear Our Lord’s call to follow Him every day. It the same Holy Spirit that enables us to build the Kingdom of God here and now. It is the same Holy Spirit that enables us to do God’s work, while we await His return!


The Blessing of Mothers

05-12-2024Letter from the PastorFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“The most important person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral—a dwelling for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby’s body… The angels have not been blessed with such a grace. They cannot share in God’s creative miracle to bring new saints to Heaven. Only a human mother can. Mothers are closer to God the Creator than any other creature; God joins forces with mothers in performing this act of creation… What on God’s good earth is more glorious than this; to be a mother?” - József Cardinal Mindszenty


Crowning of Mary

05-05-2024Letter from the PastorFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In the Catholic Church, the month of May is dedicated to Our Blessed Mother. The May crowning is an act of popular devotion in honor of our Blessed Mother that is repeated every year as an expression of our love for Our Lady and it is usually done during the month of May. Perhaps you or someone you know has some confusion about Mary and the role She has in our life. The Church has always taught that Catholics believe our worship is due to God alone. Catholics do not worship Mary. Catholics worship God alone. However, Catholics do venerate Mary and in May we honor her in a special way with our May Crowing. It is appropriate to show our love for our Blessed Mother because she is the Mother of God, the Mother of Our Savior.


Pruning Season

04-28-2024Letter from the PastorFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Our Lord reminds us today of the importance of remaining connected to Him. To help convey this message, Jesus uses the image of the vine and the branches. Christ says, “I am the vine, you are the branches.” He calls you and me to remain connected to Him and He likens that relationship to the vine and branches which grow together. As a branch, you will share in Christ’s very life, the life of the vine, if you abide in Him. If you remain connected to Christ, then you will have life to the fullest. As a disciple seeking to become a saint, that connection with Christ makes sense and deserves our attention and our effort.


Suffering with Addiction

04-21-2024Letter from the PastorFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In 2012, I was blessed to be able to make a pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago in Spain. The Camino is an ancient pilgrimage route to the Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela. Although the road was most likely a trade route, the pilgrimage route suddenly became very popular among pilgrims in the Middle Ages. This popularity had everything to do with Saint James, an apostle who brought the Good News of Jesus Christ to Spain and whose body is buried in Santiago.


The Annunciation

04-14-2024Letter from the PastorFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This past week we celebrated the Solemnity of the Annunciation on Monday. This feast is usually celebrated on March 25, nine months from Christmas. However, because March 25th was in the middle of Holy Week, to allow for an appropriate celebration of the feast, the Church moved our liturgical observance to April 8, avoiding Holy Week as well as the Octave of Easter.


Divine Mercy Sunday

04-07-2024Letter from the PastorFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

God’s mercy is available to all of us, no matter how great our sins have been in the past. Just look at King David (who committed adultery and murder) or Mary Magdalene (a prostitute) or the good thief, St. Dimas, or the parable of the Prodigal Son, to name just as few examples. Our Lord wishes us to recognize that His Mercy is greater than our sins so that we call upon Him with trust, receive His Mercy and share that mercy with others. The message of mercy can be broken down into three parts that are as simple to remember as A, B and C.


Easter and God’s Mercy

03-31-2024Letter from the PastorFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Happy Easter to all of you and a special welcome to all of our visitors! I pray as you celebrate Easter Mass with us, you may come to know the peace of God in your hearts now and always. You are always welcome to come and to thank God for His many blessings most especially His Son who has risen from the dead and offers forgiveness from our sins! I find that people who are struggling with anxiety, depression, and loneliness is often related to a broken relationship with God. That relationship can be healed and restored with God’s mercy.


Holy Week

03-24-2024Letter from the PastorFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Welcome to Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week! Today we begin the holiest week of the year for the Catholic Church. This week the Church commemorates Christ’s death and burial which begins with Palm Sunday. The palms symbolize peace and victory. It was custom during Jesus’ time for people to pay homage by laying palm branches–or even clothes–in front of people who were owed a great amount of respect.


Hospitality - Welcoming Strangers

03-17-2024Letter from the PastorFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Maybe you have heard the critique that is lodged against Catholic parishes that goes something like this. “I went to Mass at that parish for 20 years and no one even said hello to me.” One could ask why an isolated person didn’t say hello either. But still, hospitality is an essential charism for any community that wishes to grow and flourish! I have heard from many visitors how blessed they felt by the warm welcome that have received at St. Bernadette.


Godparents and Confirmation Sponsors

03-10-2024Letter from the PastorFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Occasionally, I will receive a call from a parishioner, former parishioner or a non-parishioner who was asked to be a godparent for someone to receive the Sacraments of Baptism or Confirmation in the Catholic Church. Very often the person is requesting a letter from our parish stating that he or she is a Catholic in good standing. This status of a Catholic in good standing is part of what is required to be a godparent. This measure helps to ensure the person receiving the Sacraments will be supported in the Catholic faith


Do not Sign Pro-abortion Campaign in Arizona

03-03-2024Letter from the PastorFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Millions of dollars from the pro-abortion industry are flooding into Arizona from out of State. This includes paying workers to collect signatures in front of grocery stores and other public locations for an amendment to our State Constitution.

We urge the citizens of Arizona not to sign or endorse this signature campaign.