Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.
Each year over 100,000 Americans, including many thousands of non-Catholics, are involved in the Catholic Church’s annulment process. Many times that number of persons is affected by the decisions reached in annulment cases. This process may help determine that, at the time of the wedding, one or both parties to the marriage lacked sufficient capacity for marriage.
Contact: Deacon Al Homiski 480.905.0221 x217
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Hospitals
Trained and commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring Our Lord to fellow Catholics at Mayo Clinic.
Contact: Deacon Frank Nevarez 480.905.0221 x322
Food for the Poor Project
Volunteers over 10 years old are always welcome for serving the poor by collecting food. As a team, we collect food from varies locations and distribute the food to local pantries. Our guests range from the working poor, to the homeless, to drug addicts, to the mentally ill. All younger children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Contact: contact@kofc12164.org
Funeral Luncheons
Volunteers provide a lunch for family and friends following a funeral held at St. Bernadette. These volunteers offer comfort, support, and fellowship.
Contact: Shirley Smalley 480.905.0221 x214
Sociable Seniors
A sociable and supportive group of age 50 plus individuals who are seeking fellowship through social activities and outings.
Contact: Shirley Smalley 480.905.0221 x214
Grief Share
This is a ministry to the bereaved so that those who grieve a loss through death may experience the healing comfort of God through their faith community. This group is open at all times to newcomers. Everyone that comes to us is at various stages of grief.
Contact: Deacon Peter Auriemma 480.905.0221 x237
Healing for Depression & Anxiety
Know that you are not alone! When we are anxious and/ or depressed, our own best thinking is distorted. Come join us and be reminded of who God created you to be. In our group, we practice the principles for leading a whole and holy life. This ministry has two sessions, one in the winter and one in the fall.
Contact: Deacon Peter Auriemma 480.905.0221 x237
Littlest Souls: Miscarriage & Infant Loss Support
Miscarriage and infant loss can be devastating. We as Catholics treasure life, and loss at any stage of pregnancy is difficult. We want to support you in your sorrow. This is one-on-one support.
Contact: Deacon Peter Auriemma 480.905.0221 x237
Meals for Families in Crisis
Volunteers bring two weeks worth of meals to families in crisis (e.g. primary meal provider in the hospital; older widowers unable to make meals after spouse has passed; etc). Referrals are accepted. We are always in need of help to serve!
Contact: Deacon Al Homiski 480.905.0221 x217
Meals for New Moms
Whether you are a new mom or a veteran mom, bringing your newborn home can be an overwhelming time. Did you know that St. Bernadette is looking to start a ministry that provides your family with meals for your first couple of weeks at home? It’s completely free and our honor to help you and your new blessing! We are also always looking for volunteers to help prepare and deliver food.
Contact: Deacon Al Homiski 480.905.0221 x217
Pathways to Healing from Divorce
This nine-week program helps divorced Catholics navigate through issues relating to their life, faith, and family. The program is sacramentally based and focuses on healing in God’s love; giving up anger, resentment, frustration, and grudges; and moving toward an open heart, full of love, forgiveness, and spiritual fulfillment. Sessions occur once in the spring and again in the fall. Registration required.
Contact: Deacon Al Homiski 480.905.0221 x217
Rides to Mass
Please consider volunteering to coordinate rides for those who are unable to bring themselves to Mass. These volunteers will work with the parish secretaries and help contact parishioners close to the one in need who might give rides. If you are willing to give rides, let us know! Our parishioners appreciate your help.
Contact: Mitzi Palma 480.905.0221
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry provides one-to-one Christian care to hurting people in and around our congregation. Stephen Ministers are process-oriented, extremely confidential, caring and trustworthy people who will walk alongside you as long as necessary, providing the emotional and spiritual care you need. Those who would like a Stephen Minister are encouraged to contact us at any time. Training for those interested in becoming a Stephen Minister occurs every summer.
Contact: Deacon Peter Auriemma 480.905.0221 x237
St. Vincent de Paul
A lay Catholic organization through which members strive to grow in holiness through spirituality, fellowship and service to the poor and vulnerable.
Contact: Shirley Smalley 480.905.0221 x214
Sunshine Committee
We provide sunshine to shut-ins, as well as assistance in house repairs and transportation. Our volunteers write to people that are ill, long and short term; people that have lost someone; people that are in jail; and also seminarians.
Contact: Deacon Frank Navarez 480.905.0221
More Information
For more information on how to get involved with outreach programs for the community, as well as parish-oriented ministries and groups please read the Parish Ministries Directory. All parishioners are encouraged to prayerfully discern where their gifts can be best utilized in our community.
Send us an email at volunteers@saintbernadette.com!