Corpus Christ

06-11-2023Letter from the PastorFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Church is blessed to celebrate this special Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, also known as Corpus Christi. So what are we celebrating? Today we celebrate the fact that Jesus is the Bread of Life. The Gospel reminds us that Christ feeds multitudes with bread. In the Mass, Our Lord feeds us with His own Body and Blood! Christ Himself gave us the Eucharist on the night of the Last Supper. The Church has offered Holy Mass from then until now and the Church will offer Holy Mass until the very end of time. Why? She will do this simply because Jesus commanded us to “do this in remembrance of me”!

What is “this” we do when Our Lord says do “this”? We attend Mass and we receive Our Lord in Holy Communion!!! That is what we are doing in remembrance of Our Lord’s request. In this Sacrament of Holy Communion, we receive Our Lord’s Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity! Mass is the time for every Catholic to “remember” our Eucharistic King in a miraculous way. When we receive Our Lord in Holy Communion, we literally become more like Christ and move closer to the Kingdom.

That is why we cannot come to Mass and just sit and watch and not participate. I commend those who truly enter into the Mass. I know that your lives are busy and it is easy to become swept up in the events of life. Sadly, it is too easy to lose focus and forget why we are here and what God made us for in the first place. Reminder: we are called to become saints and to live with God forever in heaven. Our relationship with God and the Saints doesn’t just happen. We become what we consume. If you fill your life with garbage (sinful actions and sinful distractions), then you risk losing your relationship with God. He doesn’t move away from you, but you can lose sight of His loving presence in your life. One of the best ways to focus on God is to go to confession monthly or more if you have committed a mortal sin.

Your respect for the Mass and the Eucharist is tied directly to your love and appreciation of the Eucharist and your willingness to be reconciled with God if you have ruptured that relationship through mortal sin. Here are some ways you can test your love and appreciation of Our Lord and truly be present at every Mass. Have I prepared my soul to receive Our Lord by living in a state of grace free from mortal sin? Have I made a good confession and received God’s mercy recently? Do I show up for Mass on time and ready to pray? Do I dress appropriately for Mass? Do I keep the one-hour fast before Holy Communion? (That includes gum and coffee, by the way.) Do I pay attention at Mass? Do I sing all the parts of the Mass with the understanding that singing is a great way to worship God? Am I focused on Our Lord who willingly suffered and died for me because of His love for me? Do I support my parish financially, spiritually, and physically by giving of my treasure, time, and talent? Do I smile at those I greet at Mass? Am I willing get to know others who attend Mass? Do I truly care about my brothers and sisters in my parish community?

You know, there are many who walk away from the Catholic Faith and they say, “I just didn’t get anything out of Mass.” I suppose it is like most things in life, you can get more out of something if you are willing to invest yourself in it. When it comes to Mass, you can’t just sit and watch as a spectator. If you’re not getting something out of Mass, you may want to look at how well you are prepared to enter into the Mass. Our Lord is always calling us to fall deeper in love with Him through the Mass.

Today we have a chance to fall in love with Jesus in the Eucharist and in the Mass again. Holy Mass is where we meet Him every week! Let’s make the most out of this miraculous event that happens everyday in every Catholic Church around the world. Jesus always has done great things with bread, even turning it into His Body. Just wait until you see the great things that Jesus can do with you, if you let Him!

God Bless,

Fr. Don Kline, V.F.